Juan pozuelo cocinero
Juan pozuelo shows you the best recipes for the autumn at
Chef Juan Pozuelo brings his philosophy of «creating life around the kitchen» to the GranCasa shopping center in Zaragoza. Thus, this location hosts the initiative ‘show cooking’ this Friday and Saturday, from 18.00 to 20.00 hours.
Pozuelo is a nationally recognized chef with an extensive professional career. His innovative dishes and his constant research into new recipes and culinary experiences position him as one of the country’s leading chefs.
In the dishes he has shown at GranCasa, Juan Pozuelo has opted for quality and, on occasions, for products and recipes from Aragon. The activity is free of charge and can be followed by anyone passing through the shopping center.
During these days, visitors have been able to enjoy a full program of gastronomic activities that focus on cooking from the digital panorama, as is the case of the participation of the Persemoon Blog led by the chef Cristina de Lahoz, who has revealed the keys to the new fast-good current and the
Breakfasts and snacks #concorazón 2019 | chef juan
A decision that marked his professional future. «I started there, I finished, I did tourism and I have dedicated my whole life to teaching. I studied, worked and relatively soon I passed a competitive examination for the Ministry while I continued working, so I gradually fell in love with the profession,» he confesses, while acknowledging that «this has been a long relationship, a long courtship that has borne a wonderful fruit».
So much so that his profession is his very hobby. «I have always said that I am very lucky to work in a sector that helps me to disconnect on many occasions. The things that people normally do to disconnect, such as sharing gastronomy or sharing cooking, are part of my life. Another way for me to disconnect is to take my bike and ride around Madrid».
Her day-to-day life doesn’t allow for a single moment of boredom. «I’ll give an example of a normal day. I was in Barcelona because we were thinking of opening Hamburguesa Nostra stores there, later at Alimentaria, because I had a presentation there on cooking and the media. Later I took a plane, arrived in Madrid and went by car to Salamanca, where I had a cooking show, and then back to Madrid».
Juan pozuelo for planeta en conserva
A few days ago was presented at the Center for Gastronomic Innovation of the Community of Madrid the new wine of the winery Val Azul: «Saborea Madrid», a more casual red wine, a 100% Cabernet with 12 months in barrels, a wine that will surprise you with its smooth passage preparing you to «repeat», a red wine with which they want to be present in all the bars of our city…
From April 4 to 7 is celebrated in Madrid a new edition of «El Salón de Gourmets» In this edition you will find me with Esteban Capdevila at stand 6A27 of the company «Síbari Food Service / Euroanchoas).
The good vibes are always present in this group that we have managed to gather, faithful to the Discarlux meat (from left to right: Miguel Ortiz, José Portas, Manu Baqueiro, Isidro Montalvo and Rafa Hombres G).
We are going to ask some friends of Madre Hizo Pan to elaborate a recipe in which Madre Hizo Pan bread is one of the obligatory ingredients and Juan Pozuelo, the chef of Vaca Nostra and Hamburguesa Nostra, always willing, has started the series that will take us to several restaurants of friends.
Cómo sacar lo mejor de tus fritos con juan pozuelo
El maridaje no es sólo cuestión de vinos. Cada aceite de oliva tiene un plato perfecto para acompañar. Teresa Pérez Millán, gerente de la Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva de España, organización sin ánimo de lucro que aglutina a todo el sector del aceite de oliva (agricultores, cooperativas, almazaras, conserveros y exportadores), y Juan Pozuelo, chef y embajador de los aceites de oliva de España, desgranan en esta guía los tipos de aceite para aderezar según qué alimentos.
«Es la variedad característica de Tarragona y Lleida, y también se cultiva en el Alto Aragón. Su aceite tiene un olor afrutado a aceituna, manzana, plátano y almendra. Es dulce con un picor amargo y casi imperceptible», comienza el gerente. Según Pozuelo, «sustituye a la mantequilla en la repostería y equilibra el sabor metálico como la alcachofa o el espárrago».
«Esta variedad levantina es conocida por su picor y su importante amargor que marcan su intenso uso en la cocina», dice Pérez Millán. Para el chef, «es ideal para ensaladas de verduras frescas con cebolla picada o pimientos crudos. El amargo apoya los toques de las verduras crudas y da un interesante matiz a las colas de gambas al ajillo».