Luis miguel gilperez

Luis miguel gilperez

Intervention of luis miguel gilpérez in #telco29

Well, we will not be in the leading group. I would like this country to be among the ten world economies in the decade of the 30s (2030). If we don’t, we won’t be. We will probably be a country with a good social situation, with a good welfare state, but we will not play in the Champions League, we will play in another league, and I honestly believe that now is the time to consider what we want to be in the next decade.
First of all, there is a plan, and that is already positive. Then, the guidelines presented by the Government seem to me to be in the right direction. I agree that we have to be a more digital country, the great European hub and a country that uses more alternative energies. We have to be a country in which the economy is not so much concentrated in poles, but we have to be a much more continuous and linear country geographically. From here, I think it is not so much a question of whether this is the best or the worst. Everything is good

How spain must move forward to become a powerhouse again

The Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, has appointed Vittorio Colao, former CEO of the Vodafone Group, to lead the so-called Phase 2 of the exit from the coronavirus crisis in the country, chairing a committee of experts at the highest level.
There is talk of him leading a multidisciplinary team of different specialists, all of them of renowned prestige, to help the Government find a definitive way out of this health and economic crisis, thus repeating the Italian model.

Direct | spain 5.0 book presentation

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Colgados del aro – raúl lópez y luis miguel gilpérez (3/4)

Diggia se integra como grupo para captar el crecimiento en las áreas de Energía, Telecomunicaciones y Movilidad Sostenible, donde las empresas del grupo cuentan con 16 años de experiencia y son referentes en innovación hacia la Transición Energética.
El grupo está dirigido por sus fundadores y directores, José Manuel Zorrilla CEO, y César González Otálora COO, e integra cuatro empresas principales: Gamma Solutions, empresa de innovación en ingeniería, que realiza proyectos de Energía y Telecomunicaciones para operadores y gobiernos a través del despliegue de redes, la gestión energética de infraestructuras críticas y las Smart Cities; Nordian, Holdco de Activos de Infraestructuras Energéticas y, por último, Wenea, Operador de Energía Móvil para Vehículos Eléctricos actualmente en España y Reino Unido y que apuesta por revolucionar el mercado del vehículo eléctrico centrándose en el cliente. Esta área de expansión de la compañía será impulsada especialmente con la ayuda de Gilpérez tras su gran labor en Telefónica como CEO en Brasil y presidente de TdE.

Manuela Toribio

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