Meson la piedra san roman de bembibre

Meson la piedra san roman de bembibre

Sal y pimienta: dulce de castañas y nueces (30/11/2015

Este distintivo identifica a los restaurantes que tienen un acuerdo de colaboración con las asociaciones provinciales o nacionales de celíacos y han recibido formación impartida por la Asociación, a la que debe asistir todo el personal: jefe de compras, chef, cocineros, ayudantes , jefes de sala y camareros.
Nota: La información que suministramos es orientativa, intentamos estar lo más actualizados posible contrastando los datos con la responsabilidad final. No obstante, le recomendamos que antes de ir se asegure de contactar directamente con la propiedad, ya que quizás haya podido realizar algún cambio en su servicio.

Chickpeas with prawns and sugared almonds recipe

Information about Meson La Piedra-restaurante Sl | Business DirectoryAll the information you need about the company Meson La Piedra-restaurante Sl is in the Business Directory. Enter and access all their data.Meson La Piedra-restaurante Sl
Search:CompanyModify data. UnsubscribeInformation provided by Information provided by Address:CALLE DE LA IGLESIA (SAN ROMAN DE BEMBIBRE), S/NLocality:BEMBIBREProvince:LEÓNTelephone:987513444Employees:
Sales: See sales evolutionCNAE: 5610 – Restaurants and food stallsCommercial object: OPERATION OF RESTAURANT, CAFE BAR AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS DESTINED FOR THE PUBLIC.See complete company object Date of creation:04/01/1994
Meson La Piedra-restaurant Sl is classified in the list of economic activities CNAE 2009 as:5610: Restaurants and food stalls561: Restaurants and food stalls56: Food and drink services

Meson la piedra san roman de bembibre 2021

Very cozy restaurant with a quiet atmosphere. During lunch and dinner you can enjoy the typical dishes of the area with a very select quality cuisine and made with great professionalism. Web Page
Asian food is combined with national cuisine and everything is prepared in such a way that it is the closest thing to a Michelin star, however the price is very much in accordance with the quality. Web Page
A good place to eat in El Bierzo. Picturesque and pleasant, the terrace is very nice. The food is delicious and the staff very friendly. A bit more expensive than the restaurants in the area, but worth it. Web page
Since they changed location, the place is beautiful, the service is exquisite, the food is delicious and they have a charming space. The waiters talk to each other through intercoms. The price is very reasonable. Web Page
Mexican restaurant located in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, one of the best places to eat Mexican food. The food is acceptable and the waiters are correct. Perfect value for money. More Info

Meson la piedra san roman de bembibre del momento

The Gastronomic Association Región Leonesa para el buen yantar, last October 26 held its XXXIV Gastronomic Meeting in Santa Marina de Torre and San Román de Bembibre (El Bierzo – León), began in Santa Marina de Torre, with a visit to the Church. There, the secretary also of the Cultural Association Carqueixa del Bierzo, explained the different phases of the restoration of the Church and the important contribution of the neighbors and the members of Carqueixa.
After lunch, the members of the Gastronomic Association Región Leonesa para el buen yantar returned to Santa Marina de Torre to attend the guided tour by Juan Carlos Campos, self-taught researcher and discoverer of the petroglyphs of the Maragatería, in which they participated along with members of the Association Ludus Bergidum Flavium of Cacabelos, had organized the Cultural Association Carqueixa del Bierzo to know the petroglyphs of the Valley of the Arribas.

Manuela Toribio

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