Tarifa tempo 24h endesa

Tarifa tempo 24h endesa

Endesa standing charge

The price per kWh of electricity with Endesa depends on the type of tariff contracted and whether it applies a fixed price throughout the day or different time slots, for each of which there would be a price per kWh.
The time slots of cheap hours of electricity with Endesa are different depending on the type of contracted tariff. While there are no off-peak hours in tariffs with a fixed price 24 hours a day, any Tempo tariff with Endesa does apply them in different ways and even when contracting the PVPC tariff with Endesa.
This is the most extensive category of Endesa tariffs designed to cover all types of user profiles. Currently these other tariff versions are available for Endesa customers in 2020:
FAQWhat does Endesa’s Tempo 24-hour tariff consist of? This is an Endesa electricity tariff within the Tempo category that applies free of charge for 24 hours for all the kW of electricity consumed throughout a day, at the customer’s own choice.

Endesa customers

We tell you which is the cheapest electricity time with Endesa depending on each type of tariff with hourly discrimination of the marketer’s catalog. This way you can choose at what time of day to consume electricity and pay less per kWh.
The presence of a cheaper electricity schedule with Endesa is possible thanks to the existence of various types of tariffs that apply time discrimination in 2 or 3 periods and in time slots customized by the customer.
The time slots where the kWh of electricity is cheaper with Endesa depend on the type of tariff with hourly discrimination contracted giving rise to these possibilities that apply a different price of electricity per hour:
This type of tariffs are available both in the regulated market (with the Weighted Average Price and the PVPC by time slots) and in the free market with customized options for discrimination. Any consumer who wishes can access any option as long as he/she has a digital electricity meter installed, so that it is able to measure the electricity consumption for each hour of the day and the electricity price can be applied in real time.

Logotipo de endesa

En algunas tarifas tu consumo de electricidad puede tener diferentes precios a lo largo del día. Estas franjas horarias afectarán a lo que acabes pagando en tu factura. A continuación te explicamos cómo son las franjas horarias de la electricidad.
La franja horaria valle va desde las 12 de la noche hasta las 8 de la mañana en días laborables y durante todo el día en fines de semana y festivos. La franja horaria valle es el periodo en el que el consumo de electricidad es más barato.
La franja horaria estándar abarca 3 franjas o periodos a lo largo del día de lunes a viernes. Por la mañana de 8 a 10, por la tarde de 14 a 18 y por la noche de 22 a 24 horas. Estas son las horas en las que las tarifas con discriminación horaria tienen un precio moderado.
Las horas punta están en dos franjas horarias y, al igual que las horas estándar, sólo se aplican de lunes a viernes cuando no es festivo. Las horas punta de la electricidad en una tarifa con discriminación horaria son de 10 a 14 horas y de 18 a 22 horas.
La potencia contratada se mide en kW y define el límite de su instalación eléctrica. Es el máximo que puedes pedir, por encima de estos kW lo que ocurrirá es que se cortará la luz. Cuanta más potencia tengas, más aparatos eléctricos podrás utilizar al mismo tiempo… pero más tendrás que pagar en el apartado de tu factura correspondiente a la potencia.

Tarifa tempo 24h endesa 2021

Endesa’s Tempo Happy is a stable electricity tariff that offers promoted hours at zero cost, known as happy hours, while the rest of the hours of the day maintain the same price per kilowatt hour (kWh).
Tempo Happy 50Hours: Endesa identifies the 50 hours per month of highest consumption of the customer to pay 0 €/kWh. It is recommended for users who have low consumption and do not spend much time at home.
Tempo Happy 2Hours: the customer chooses 2 consecutive hours per day in which they will pay nothing for their electricity consumption. Recommended for users who clearly know their consumption habits and can focus energy expenditure on those two hours. It can also be interesting for people who spend little time at home or do not make intensive use of household appliances.
➜ Tempo Happy Day: the consumer chooses a day of the week on which energy is completely free. Recommended for second homes, in which to enjoy, for example, a Saturday or Sunday with free energy.

Manuela Toribio

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