Uoc master marketing digital
Uoc master logistics
The online university master’s degree in Digital Marketing emphasizes different key aspects of internet marketing, such as search engine optimization (SEO), SEM strategies, social media, web analytics, digital advertising, e-commerce and market intelligence. In this way, it aims to train marketing professionals with a complete overview and, at the same time, to specialize them from the perspective of the demands of the new digital environment. This university master’s degree is oriented towards
Uoc máster finanzas
En el mundo digital actual, impulsado por la tecnología, la comunicación en línea ha trascendido los límites de la World Wide Web y se ha disparado hacia nuevos formatos y plataformas, con usuarios que asumen papeles nunca vistos en las redes sociales. El Máster en Marketing Digital proporciona una formación avanzada, especializada y práctica, dotando a los estudiantes de herramientas clave para impulsar las actividades de marketing en entornos digitales caracterizados por las nuevas formas de medios de comunicación y de relación con los clientes. El programa explora una serie de áreas clave: optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO), estrategias de marketing de motores de búsqueda (SEM), medios sociales, análisis web, publicidad online, comercio electrónico e inteligencia de mercado. Los estudiantes saldrán con una comprensión completa del marketing y, al mismo tiempo, con un grado de especialización que les permitirá adaptar sus servicios a las demandas de los entornos digitales actuales.
El precio del máster para estudiantes extranjeros no residentes en España ni nacionales de un Estado miembro de la UE, Islandia, Noruega, Liechtenstein, Suiza o Andorra es de 5.040 euros (curso 2020-2021).
Master’s degree in data science uoc
This is an advanced and specialized training offer that provides students with the fundamental tools to develop marketing activities in a digital environment with new media and forms of relationship.
The online master’s degree in Digital Marketing emphasizes different key aspects of internet marketing, such as search engine optimization (SEO), SEM strategies, social media, web analytics, digital advertising, e-commerce and market intelligence. In this way, it aims to train marketing professionals with a comprehensive overview and, at the same time, to specialize them from the perspective of the requirements of the new digital environment.
The documents can be checked at the UOC’s offices if you bring the originals and simple photocopies. The documents can be checked at the center where they were issued (and must have the minimum administrative requirements: date, stamp, signature, position, name and surname of the person signing below).
Uoc marketing
To train experts capable of maximizing the potential of digital media to enable them to develop online marketing and marketing strategies with the ultimate goal of generating relationships, communications and sales through the Internet.
To train future researchers in the field of digital marketing so that they can later develop doctoral studies promoting the academic strengthening of the marketing discipline and, more specifically, that of digital marketing.
To access official master’s degree studies, you must have an official university degree. Check with the center for the corresponding information and the documentation you must submit, depending on where you have completed these studies.
There are no specific admission criteria for admission to the university master’s degree. However, students who do not have the recommended admission profile may be recommended to take complementary courses.
From the space Life cycle of the degrees you can consult all the documentation related to the different stages of the MVSMA, which guarantees the official status of the degrees, and you can access the collection of indicators, which allows you to analyze and assess the training activity to carry out this process of evaluation and continuous improvement: