Que es el genesis

Que es el genesis

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A careful examination of the Hebrew word for «day» and the context in which it is used in the book of Genesis will lead to the conclusion that «day» refers to a literal 24-hour period of time. The Hebrew word yom, which is translated «day» in English, can have several meanings. It can refer to the 24 hours it takes for the earth to rotate around its own axis (as in the phrase, «a day has 24 hours»). It can refer to that part of the day between sunrise and sunset in which there is daylight (as in the phrase: «it can get quite warm during the day, but cools down at night»). And the word can refer to an unspecified period of time (as in the phrase: «in the days of my grandfather…»). In Genesis 7:11 it is used to indicate a time period of 24 hours. In Genesis 1:16 the word is used to indicate the period between sunrise and sunset. And in Genesis 2:4 it is used to refer to an indefinite period of time. So, what then does the word mean in Genesis 1:5-2:2 when used in conjunction with ordinal numbers (i.e., first day, second day, third day, fourth day, fifth day, sixth day, and seventh day)? Are these periods of 24 hours or something else? Could yom here refer to an indefinite period of time?

Genesis technologies – overview

בראשׁית (Pronounced Bereshite). It begins with the creation of heaven and especially earth and the story of Adam and Eve. The bulk of the book is taken up by the story of Abraham, his sons and his (great) grandsons. These are stories that are very important to Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
is one of the most famous phrases in the Bible. It is also the sentence with which the Bible begins. It also contains the stories of Noah’s ark and the Tower of Babel and all kinds of listings of people who lived at that time and which peoples lived in which areas. These pieces of text are considered the oldest texts handed down on papyrus. The texts are several thousand years old.

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The beginning of the Word of God is of particular interest to the Bible reader. If you pretend to read these Bible verses for the first time, you might ask yourself: what does God want to tell us humans first? The amazing thing is that God begins not with a description of His own glory, His greatness, but of a concrete act in creation. This is no longer accepted by many as the creation of God. But a Christian need not be impressed by this mass opinion. He is content with what God tells him. And that is a lot.
In many translations, this book is called «Genesis» – as it was first called in the Septuagint[1]The Greek translation of the Old Testament…. Genesis means ‘origin’ – it is the book of the origin, of the beginning, in which everything is contained as in a small beginning.
This book lays the foundation for the revelation of God throughout the Bible. We cannot confess the truth of the Bible and at the same time reject this book of the Bible. The glory of God as Creator is inseparable from all His other glories. The Creator-God is also the Savior-God. Man is responsible to his Creator, who also wants to be his Savior, and who – if man rejects Him – will one day be His Judge.

Genesis technologies

The first eleven chapters contain a number of stories in which material from myths and sagas is theologically incorporated. They express in their own way the fundamental principles on which man’s faithful existence rests. God created the world and man well. But in his pride man sins again and again; he wants to be himself to God and live above his «creature» state. Never, however, does sin have the last word. Always there is the saving and gracious response of God, who in spite of everything remains faithful to what He has begun with man and who makes a new future possible each time. A number of gender lists in chapters 4, 5, 10 and 11 underscore the unity of humanity and make the transition to Abraham, who is thus linked to the creation of the world.
All these stories, from Abraham to Joseph – and the same is true of the other books of the Pentateuch – should not be measured by the yardstick of modern historiography. This is biblical historiography, that is, a historiography that interprets events with believing eyes as salvation history. In all these stories, the focus of the sacred writers is primarily on God, whom they believe and profess to be on the move with his people.

Manuela Toribio

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