Las chorreras navarredonda de gredos

Las chorreras navarredonda de gredos

Peñón de mediodía . garganta de valdeascas

In addition to its facilities and its delicious menu, this establishment is located in a privileged place that offers spectacular views of the Sierra de Gredos, while offering its customers the possibility of starting from the same parador several routes that will contribute to a more comprehensive knowledge of the Gredos massif.
We are going to stay with four, of which three are easily achievable by any person slightly prepared to walk: Valdeascas; Las Chorreras; La Laguna Grande and the Pinar de Navarredonda de Gredos.
The excursion from the Parador to the area where the Tormes River rises is quite easy for any experienced walker, with the final part being perhaps the most difficult. However, the reward is well worth the effort when the walker reaches the large granite lanchales through which these days the water runs rampant.
It is a simple and practically flat route, that will allow to whoever realizes it to enjoy this ample pine grove and the surroundings of the inn, leaving from the way Prado Viejo, that transits in parallel to the sport zone of Navarredonda and of its municipal swimming pool, until arriving until arriving until the same Prado Viejo.

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The Tormes River rises in Prado Tormejón, where Fuente Tormella is located, the exact place of its source in Navarredonda de Gredos. It crosses the provinces of Avila and Salamanca, flowing into the left bank of the Duero River, in the municipality of Villarino de los Aires in Salamanca, in the area known locally as Ambasaguas, and after traveling 284 km in length.
Las Chorreras are found by going back the road that has led us to the campsite, and once crossed the road of the Plataforma de Gredos continue along the same unpaved road for a couple of kilometers.
To go to Valdeascas follow the same indications as to get to Las Chorreras. Once the road is no longer dirt and starts to be asphalted, continue along it for about two kilometers until you reach a crossroads. At this crossroads, continue straight ahead, entering the pine forest of Navarredonda. When the road is cut off for vehicles, leave the car and continue walking up the river.

Rutas por la sierra de guadarrama: chorrera de san mamés

La Garganta de Valdeascas es una de las zonas más bellas del Alto Tormes. Hay que bajar por la Cuesta de los Barreros hasta el Camping de Navagredos. Tras cruzar dos puentes, el primero sobre el río Tormes y el segundo sobre el arroyo de Valdeascas, se llega a la pradera donde se encuentra el nacimiento del Tormes. El sendero sigue el curso de la garganta de Valdeascas. En su descenso hacia el Tormes, el agua ha esculpido en el duro granito de Gredos una sucesión de pozas y rápidos de gran belleza. Es un lugar idílico para un refrescante baño en una calurosa tarde de verano.
Baje por la Cuesta de los Barreros hasta el Camping de Navagredos. Tome el sendero asfaltado de la derecha, que sigue el curso del río Tormes hasta Las Chorreras. El río Tormes drena la zona norte de la sierra del Alto Gredos. Desde su nacimiento hasta su desembocadura en el río Duero, recorre 250 km. En Las Chorreras, su destino, disfrute de las espectaculares cascadas y rápidos que surgen entre enormes peñascos esculpidos en el granito. El agua cristalina ha formado marmitas de gigantes donde podrá disfrutar de los tranquilos sonidos de la naturaleza mientras toma el sol en las losas de roca.

Valdeascas sierra de gredos

There we take a path to the right, towards Fuentetormella, by El Cotorro, place where we take the path of Baldío until we cross a pine forest, appearing a few meters from it another path to the right, which we will follow until we see on the left a house of the water supply network of Navarredonda, and behind the same one the wall of a prao that we leave to the left, finding next another prao, that we will have to follow next to the wall, until arriving to the entrance gate to the same one, that gives us access to the Prao de Tormejón.
We continue along this asphalt road to the left, without leaving the same, and following its route that after about fifty meters approximately turns to the right. After a few meters we see on the left an old mill currently used as a kiosk-merendero, which we leave behind, crossing two bridges and continuing straight on until we reach the Camp of Valdeascas that we find on our right, just where this asphalt road ends.

Manuela Toribio

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