Os pendellos agolada

Os pendellos agolada

Feria de artesanía corazón da artesanía 2012. feria de artesanos en

Las ferias artesanales y ganaderas en Galicia jugaron un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de los pueblos y ciudades desde el siglo XVIII. En el marco de una agricultura de autoconsumo, la población rural intercambiaba sus escasos excedentes por productos de la pequeña industria artesanal o por otros productos necesarios para el hogar. Además del ganado, el queso, la mantequilla, los huevos, las gallinas, las «cuncas», las «zocas» y otros artículos de la artesanía rural formaban parte del día a día de mercados medievales como el de Os Pendellos de Agolada.
En Agolada, localidad pontevedresa perteneciente a la comarca del Deza, se encuentra este conjunto histórico en el que se puede conocer un poco mejor la vida y las costumbres de la Galicia rural del siglo XVIII. En aquella época, la economía del municipio estaba tradicionalmente ligada a la ganadería, la agricultura y la explotación del bosque. Además, cada mes se celebraba una feria dedicada al comercio de ganado, productos agrícolas, textiles, herramientas. . conocido como el mercado medieval de Os Pendellos de Agolada. Un espacio en el que se celebraba el típico ritual del trueque, la compra-venta, las charlas, el regateo y otras artimañas comerciales.

″os pendellos″ de la golada

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The pendellos of agolada. galician architecture ten

Go to content We will begin talking about the toponym «Agolada» that in many occasions we will see it as «Golada». This word has nothing to do with the origin of the toponym as it is believed to come from Aqua Lata (conducted water), so it is logical that the root «a» belongs to the same word. Thus, the name «Agolada» has been chosen as the official toponym in Galician.
Then there would be the house houses surrounded by pendellos exhibitors and in another place the pendellos lodging. In them would be given the rest to so busy day. Until 1970, many of these buildings were the main houses, some of which are now in private hands.
There are many who believe that a town does not die if the culture remains. It is true that the population is aging and that the best guardians of history are becoming silent, but we also know that there are many who fight for the heritage to be safeguarded from time.
It is nowadays a place of exhibition of artisan works, popular festivities and cultural events. Precisely the dwellers of these houses later lodgings had a good position and it was here where the exhibition of their merchandise had a good publicity, surrounded by the typical products it is to be expected that they were hotbeds of the typical Galician culture. Meeting centers and large improvised pilgrimages in which the octopus, the meat to the caldeiro, bread as patacas or cachelos and all the gastronomy would have these days a reference.

Pontevedra. stone, water and other routes

In addition to this sample of history, today, although they are private or unknown properties, when parties or events with medieval touches are organized, this is the ideal place to spend the day, we show here, some ideas with the events that we tell you below.
Medieval parties have a special charm because they transport us to past times. This is always charming. Anyone can have a medieval party, but it will never be like the one held at the Medieval Fair of Agolada. It has a special charm.
If you like to eat whimsical, succulent and different dishes, you can come to the Pendellos de Agolada, during the first weekend of July. A festival is organized here, promoted by different organizations within the Xuta de Galicia, such as Galicia Calidade, among others.
We will be able to see the culinary demonstrations carried out by Chefs from different places of our Autonomous Community. We will see how they elaborate those dishes that will be tasted, with brief explanations, giving us more knowledge in the gastronomic art. We must be attentive to the poster of the event so as not to miss the other activities they do, such as wine tasting, craft demonstrations, etc..

Manuela Toribio

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