Garmin forerunner 235 no conecta bluetooth

Garmin forerunner 235 no conecta bluetooth

How to enable bluetooth on garmin forerunner 245

Backlight. The backlight can be set to determine how long it should be active (5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, …). Do not get tired, it does not go. Whatever you set the light will always turn off after 8 seconds. It is a failure recognized by Garmin. They say it will be solved in future versions.
Pulse rate. With the optical sensor the heart rate does not always go well. At a certain moment, they are triggered. I link you an article of a colleague in which he explains the issue in detail: In my opinion, although it is a pity, it is not something so drastic as to give up the Garmin Forerunner 235.

Garmin forerunner 235 bluetooth not working

You have at your fingertips a super complete selection and with the best prices on the net, we work to bring only the best sellers, so we guarantee that it is difficult to find it at a lower price.
We care about having the best price and of course also in the style of Garmin Forerunner 235 No Bluetooth Connect so we take great care of the detail, so that your purchase is one of those that last and always have the feeling of having made a good investment. That’s why we take special care when selecting our Garmin Forerunner 235 No Bluetooth Connect. We have the leading brands in the market, thus always guaranteeing the quality of proven manufacturers and with great acceptance in the market. Brands that you will know as Garmin, Thule, Orbea or Scot are in Mundo Biker to meet the needs of the most demanding bikers. Have no doubt that any Garmin Forerunner 235 No Bluetooth Connect you buy will always be a wise choice, both for your home and for the bedroom or wherever you want to take it.

An error has occurred when syncing with garmin connect.

What’s more concerning, however, is that the problem doesn’t seem to be limited to just smartwatches, as it affects other Garmin-made devices as well, including the Edge 130 GPS bike computer which also has Bluetooth support.
After searching the web for several days straight trying to find a solution, I not only discovered a way around the loss of Bluetooth connectivity, but also came to several conclusions that I’ll share below.
First of all, no, it’s not your phone that’s the culprit . Garmin devices could lose connectivity on both Android and iOS, regardless of phone brand. I tried pairing my Vivoactive 3 Music with other phones besides Note 9, including Pixel 3 XL and Huawei Mate 20 Pro, and the problem persists.
Also, re-pairing, restarting and rebooting makes no difference . You can try these workarounds, and some may solve the problem temporarily, but it won’t last forever.

Garmin forerunner 235 how to connect bluetooth

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Good, I would like help my garmin forerunner 235 does not connect me to bluetooth, it told me Bluetooth click to connect and I get at the time (waiting for connection) this problem to what is due? can you help me how I solve.
I am a new user of the garmin forerunner, I have been using it for 5 days and the truth is that I am very happy except for two issues. I have repeatedly tried to load a training plan on the device and although I enter the website www.garminconnnect and carry out the necessary steps, indeed, from the web confirms that the plan has been loaded successfully, when I disconnect the watch from the computer and look for the training plan the message that appears is that «Download training plans from the website www.garminconnnect …» in short that the plan has not been loaded. I do not know if this is a problem of poor execution on my part or a problem of the watch and since I am in testing period I would like to say something about it to me if it is a problem of the watch to change it for another one. Also, the same problem I have when loading new activities, by default the activity that comes preloaded is the race, but I do tb other activities such as hiking, etc..and the truth is that I can not configure these activities on the device despite reading and rereading the manual. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and best regards.

Manuela Toribio

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