Ivoox la rosa de los vientos

Ivoox la rosa de los vientos

Wind rose names

THE LIBRARY OF HISTORY opens one of its archives, which will bring us closer to: “Constellations 3. The Sky in Summer”. The podcasts “Cita con Rama”, “Victoria Podcast” and LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA HISTORIA, we come together again to make another walk through the stars in a new journey…
Natural disasters, nuclear accidents, war tragedies or economic crises are some of the reasons why man has come to abandon villages and even entire cities throughout history. Many of them still survive frozen in time, like old photographs from another time…
In this new program we are visited by Pedro Ortega, PhD in Art History, who talks about the aesthetics and meaning of Mantegna’s tarot. The archaeologist Eleonor Navas comes to discover the magic of the Phoenicians in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. We finish with our regular biblical scholar,…
We recover two Allende los Mares that will take us to Africa, on the banks of the Nile, to narrate the terrible Siege of Khartoum. This event took place during what is known as the Mahdist War in a context of British colonial expansion in present-day Sudan. A long battle that took place…

The compass rose by sections

Located between Barrow, Juneau and Anchorage, interest in the ‘Alaska Triangle’ arose after the disappearance of Hale Boogs, the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, in 1972. Since then, more than 16,000 people have gone missing in the area.
NASA research astrophysicist Jorge Pla-García considers that space tourism is “the whim of a few millionaires” who “cannot be considered astronauts as such”. Pla-García answers all the questions about space in this interview of ‘La rosa de los vientos’.

La rosa de los vientos podcast

mi único problema es que cuando me desplazo por las suscripciones tarda demasiado tiempo en cargar los episodios más antiguos, intento llegar hasta el primer episodio pero no es posible en la aplicación móvil, le daría 5 estrellas pero este fallo es realmente significativo y necesita ser arreglado porque me encantaría desplazarme por los episodios de las suscripciones y encontrar los podcasts, pero a partir de ahora sólo puedo escuchar los más recientes, lo que es un fastidio porque hay muchos para escuchar, si sólo pudiera desplazarme hacia abajo más rápidoActualización: Lo he comprobado de nuevo y se ha arreglado 🙂 ¡Actualizaré una reseña de 5 estrellas gracias!
¡Esta aplicación es perfecta! Se detiene cuando entran las llamadas, y continúa cuando cuelgas. (Otras aplicaciones, simplemente se detienen, y usted tiene que remenber para encenderlo de nuevo). Incluso se enciende cuando llegas al coche. Muy fácil de usar. Yo uso el mío en español de España, y todos los libros ya están traducidos y los podcasts en español. Puede que cambie el idioma al inglés, para variar. ¡Te quiero, Ivoox!

Wind rose for children

Podcasts are quite different from programs that are broadcasted on television, for example. Here we only have audio, no image, so it is more like a radio, but its strength lies in the fact that you can listen to them whenever you want, and from wherever you want. Many podcast platforms categorize them and offer them for free to any user, so that they can listen to them whenever they feel like it. One of them is iVoox, and with it we can keep track of the podcasts that interest us, as well as download them to our device and listen to them whenever we want, with the advantage, moreover, that if we leave it halfway we can continue where we left off. In this guide we will focus on determining the best podcasts by category, so if you want to know more about iVoox you can visit this guide.
As you may already be getting used to the idea, there are thousands and thousands of podcasts, each with many episodes of different lengths, so it is impractical to list them all here and now. That is why, according to the different categories they cover, we are going to try to comment the best podcasts by category, using several criteria.

Manuela Toribio

Bienvenido a mi blog, soy Manuela Toribio y escribo sobre diversos temas de actualidad.

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Encuentra el pico escondido en la pantalla de carga de caos

Lun Jul 26 , 2021
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