Siro lopez andres montes

Endesa conversations with siro lópez: jorge garbajosa

Taking advantage of the recent publication of the team that will be in charge of the broadcasting of Eurobasket 2015, in which it is worth mentioning the figure of Siro López as main narrator, let’s take the opportunity to remember other illustrious narrators of the basketball planet.
His first steps in the world of basketball began in a3radio, where together with Andrés Montes he was presenter and commentator of several FIBA basketball finals in the 80s. Later, he moved to television, where he continued to be linked to basketball, making broadcasts for Eurosport and Telemadrid. During that time he maintained great influence in the basketball section of some sports media such as Marca, AS and Sport, where he was one of the most important contributors.
What can be said about the great Andrés Montes, that has not already been said, that short man with a shaved head, who with his round glasses and his thousands of bow ties made us glue our faces to the television screen early morning after early morning.

Siro lopez. with andrés montes eurobasket 1995

Manel Comas explained “Siro, I smell of unemployment”. With the great José María García at the helm, the demands in that Antena 3 radio station were at their highest level. And at the slightest slip, El Negro would say to Siro and Comas, “I smell unemployment”. The Sheriff would smile again. Manel and Fernando were excited telling me a lot of anecdotes with the sadly deceased journalist. I kept mine to myself. I preferred to listen but now I share it with all of you.
I was hooked on the bulls vs. utah games or the all stars etc.. but what I liked the most was neither jordan nor karl malone what I liked the most in the world were montes and daimiel that was what hooked me to the nba the mailman, the twin towers of san antonio, white chocolate, wilma open the door, the hake skewer and other incredible nicknames that this man pulled out of his sleeve with a mind-blowing ease.
On Friday night, like every previous ACB day, I went to the computer to check my Supermanager teams, and I froze when I saw the news. I couldn’t hold back a couple of tears, I didn’t feel like going to bed, but that night there was no Montes.

Siro’s best moments on twitch | #1

In 2006 it is known that the journalist had been retired from the world of communication due to a cancer that he later overcame. His personal testimony is collected in the book of interviews by Pablo Álvarez, Coraje frente al cáncer: testimonios de una dura batalla que se va ganar día a día, Oviedo, Caja de Ahorros de Asturias, 2007.
On July 7, 2009, during one of the summer courses in El Escorial organized by the Complutense University, José María García announced that he might return to the media. If this hypothesis materializes, García would like to return “to make a general information program” with a political section, another one of investigation and denunciation and a third section dedicated to talk shows. He also assured that he had held conversations with several media but did not want to mention any of them in particular.
On July 20, 2010, in an interview granted to the program El món a RAC1, the journalist confirmed that he had completely withdrawn from the media as he was not comfortable with any of the three projects that had come into his hands. Surprisingly, in the middle of the interview, when the presenter of the program asked him to interview him every few months, Garcia himself offered to collaborate with this program every month, completely disinterested and “without charging a single euro”. RAC1 announced on its website the signing of Garcia, where he makes monthly collaborations in his section L’hora Garcia.[16]

The funny anecdote of andrés montes with the

James, the confirmation word is that before to leave a message you had to put a word in Hebrew, and now the blog administrator, Red, has removed it for the joy of all.Great interview.Stu, finally we are at odds on something, you go with Estu and I with Leon, as they sing around here:SI SE PUEDE!!!!.
I loved the interview. I have focused a lot and I imagined Montes talking…You can tell that he is a very friendly person, very normal. He has a language of the street, and that is the reason for his success. I like him a lot because he tells truths like temples… And he tells the truth, everything is a business…

Manuela Toribio

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