Gas naturgy iberia

Gas naturgy iberia

Naturgy virtual office

Gas Natural Fenosa is now Naturgy. The multinational group dedicated to the commercialization and distribution of electricity and natural gas changed its name on June 27, 2018, from Gas Natural Servicios SDG to Naturgy Iberia, S.A.
Naturgy offers its customers a wide variety of electricity and gas tariffs with different conditions, prices and discounts, in order to adapt to the needs of all of them. It also offers maintenance services to prevent possible breakdowns in the electrical and natural gas installation.
Naturgy Gas & Power, formerly known as Gas Natural S.U.R, is the regulated market supplier of the Naturgy group. It offers its customers regulated electricity and gas rates, the price of which is set by the government.
Unión Fenosa Distribución, the electricity distributor of the Naturgy group, has been renamed UFD Distribución de Electricidad S.A. Its distribution network covers an area of 120,000 square kilometers.
Form 347 is the document that includes the annual declaration of operations with third parties, that is to say, it informs of the clients, creditors or suppliers to whom goods or services with a value greater than 3,005.06€ have been sold or, in their absence, purchased.

Naturgy customers

Naturgy, as it is known commercially and to users, changed its name in June 2018. As of this date, effective changes have been made in all contracts and are reflected in customers’ electricity and gas bills.
If you are a new customer who wants to register the supply of electricity and/or gas with Naturgy, you can do it through the Internet or easily through a phone call, where you can ask about rates and prices.
Gas Natural Fenosa, now called Naturgy, offers its customers, and anyone who wants to contact them, different ways of communication with which to process high, low, a change of owner with Naturgy, bills and any questions about light and gas.

Naturgy change of owner

In addition to contacting by phone, you can also go to the commercial offices of Naturgy or send your questions and queries through the customer email or the various forms provided:
From this entity, the marketer sells electricity and natural gas rates with a free price where discounts are applied, advantageous conditions and even maintenance services can be contracted.
However, the Naturgy group also operates in the regulated electricity and gas market through Gas & Power. This marketer offers regulated tariffs: PVPC for electricity and the TUR tariff for gas.

Relaciones con los inversores de naturgy

Los principales intereses de la corporación son: la distribución de gas natural en España, Italia y Latinoamérica; la generación y comercialización de electricidad en el mercado liberalizado español (1997-2009);[3] y la gestión de infraestructuras de gas natural y transporte marítimo.
El complejo de la sede administrativa de la empresa, el Edificio Gas Natural o Torre Mare Nostrum, está situado en el barrio de La Barceloneta, en el distrito de Ciutat Vella de Barcelona. El rascacielos fue diseñado en estilo arquitectónico de alta tecnología por el estudio EMBT Architects de los arquitectos Enric Miralles y Benedetta Tagliabue, y se terminó en 2005.

Manuela Toribio

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