Comarcal a fervenza

Los valores del comarcal a fervenza

Neta superioridad del Poio Pescamar que no dio opción al Comarcal A Fervenza, en partido disputado en el Pavillón do Ensanche, en Ferrol, correspondiente a la Fase de Grupos de la Copa Xunta. Las razas de Marcio Santos siguen dejando excelentes sensaciones en esta pretemporada y vencen por un contundente 0-4.
El Poio Pescamar, que afrontaba el partido con la baja de Anita por un escorzo de xeonllo, empieza a mostrar que el técnico pretende sexar su sinal de identidad en la liga próxima a empezar, a presionar en toda la pista sobre el equipo contrario. Así, tras el asombro inicial o el mando era para los visitantes, ante un equipo que se pechaba intentando parar una avalancha.
La buena actuación de Nerea en la portaría local no pudo evitar que esa superioridad del Poio se reflejara en el marcador en el minuto 7 de partido, ao culminar Claudia unha boa xogada de todo o conxunto, resultado co que se chegaría ao descanso.
O Poio Pescamar xogará o seguinte partido de preparación o próximo xoves, ás 20:30 horas no Pabellón de Os Remedios (Ourense) ante o Cidade As Burgas de Primera División, en disputa do torneo Cidade de Ourense.

The comarcal a fervenza shows the discomfort for the treatment

The Viaxes Amarelle FSF continues to seek its optimal tone of form for the start of the season in two weeks, and in this fourth week of preparation, the orange players had a joint training with the subsidiary; where both teams were taking the measure in a very active training. Jorge Basanta’s players, also come from making a good game last weekend against Ourense Envialia FSF; and now they will have to measure themselves against a rival of their league in this new season; but with the aspiration of repeating the semifinals of the Copa Galicia Femenina FS. Jorge Basanta’s call-up for this third preseason game is formed by Carmen Pérez and Sandra Rodríguez in goal; and as field players, Reneé Huizinga, Irune, Martita, María Gómez, Yaiza, Zaida Varela and Patri Corral.

Companies collaborate with comarcal a fervenza

The fifth game left the children back on the track, and faced the Comarcal A Fervena against Viaxes Amarelle. The match began very evenly matched and although the Fervenza was ahead on the scoreboard with a 2-0, the Amarelle would cut distances with 2-1 shortly after. But the Neda children’s team is a great team and left practically sentenced the game in the first half with a 5-1. In the second half the Viaxes Amarelle tried but could not with the great team of Narón and ended up losing by a 10-2 that gave the victory to Comarcal A Fervenza FSF.
The sixth game was one of the key matches, it was in the cadet category where Viaxes Amarelle faced Ciudad de Alcorcón B. It was a match where the runner-up was decided, after the Ciudad de Alcorcón A had won their two matches, and these other two decided the second and third place. The Ciudad de Alcorcón B started the match very well because in a few minutes they were ahead on the scoreboard with a 0-3. This result would be made up shortly before halftime with a goal before the break that put the 1-3. The Alcorcón team seemed to have the game in their hands but the Galicians did not give up and went for the game and got a draw when the referee gave the end of the match. Tied at three goals and everything would be decided in the penalty shootout. In this penalty shootout the winner would be Viaxes Amarelle by 2-1, as the Galician goalkeeper saved two of the three penalties taken by the alcorconeras. This victory in the penalty shootout gave the runner-up position to Viaxes Amarelle.

Manuela Toribio

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