Navalperal de tormes

Navalperal de tormes

Piedrahíta avila

Located at an altitude of 1,303 meters, it represents an incomparable landscape, with its oaks, pines, brooms, blackberries, blackthorns, blackthorns, servals and a great variety of aromatic plants such as thyme, chamomile, oregano, etc.
It is a typical mountain village, with its stone and wood constructions, dedicated mainly to cattle, sheep and horse farms, as well as horticulture for own consumption.
In its municipal district, is located, among others, the place of the Laguna Grande de Gredos, one of the most visited of the Sierra and is the gateway to Cinco Lagunas and many other places in the Sierra.

Piedrahítamunicipality in spain

Navalperal de Tormes is a beautiful village in the province of Avila, located in the heart of the Sierra de Gredos, which we reach through the C-500 road. The municipality occupies an area of 61 Km2.
The environment, represents a unique landscape, with its oaks melojos, pines, brooms, blackberries, blackthorns, blackthorns, servales and a variety of aromatic plants such as thyme, chamomile, oregano, etc..
It is a typical mountain village, with its stone and wood constructions, dedicated mainly to cattle, sheep and horse farms, as well as horticulture for their own consumption.
The Laguna Grande de Gredos, the Garganta de Gredos, the Garganta del Pinar, or the Garganta del río Tormes are the real wealth of Navalperal de Tormes is its environment, these natural sites are a wonder of nature, with unforgettable views and good itineraries for sports and be in full contact with nature.
Good afternoon. I would like to contact Angel Salvador Jimenez. I am the daughter of a friend of his, my father would be very interested in being able to locate him since he is a childhood friend. My father’s name is Aniano. I would be very grateful for any information. Best regards.

Navalperal de tormes 2020

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