Juan manuel brito arceo

Penalty right to polster pointed out by brito arceo in an interview with

Interview with Juan Manuel Brito Arceo, ex-referee and ex-councilman. Now that he is living his lowest hours, he receives DIARIO DE AVISOS to confess his ordeal and launch an SOS to whoever has the “charity to help me”.
“Undoubtedly, the journalist José María García. At a certain moment, he called some lawyers to influence a judicial decision against me. But, in the end, the prosecutor did not see that the complaint against me constituted a crime or a criminal case, and it was shelved. Nevertheless, bad people managed to tarnish my honor, my name and end my career.”
“Not at all. I was paid for the matches I had pending to referee. When the National Referees Association forced me to retire as a First Division and International referee, they had to pay me for those matches that were destined for me. But there are people who speak without knowing how things are, and without having the exact information they rant about me with slanders that go into the void.”
“No. That was a stage, in which I had around me many who presumed to be my friends, people who patted me on the back. True friends are not measured by material things, but by their values. Now, when I am broke, I count on people, who I do not hesitate to mention by name, such as Jonás, Eugenia, Rafael Vázquez and Juan Ramón Tosco Lorenzo, who have been there at significant moments in my life. Also, now I thank DIARIO DE AVISOS for remembering me”.

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In the interview he describes his current life as “chaotic and precarious”, as he is awaiting eviction from his apartment, his insertion benefit from the Canary Islands Government is running out, he owes water and community fees and has turned to the municipal social services to feed himself.
Now he owes a lot of money: “The day I was a finalist in Gran Hermano, the money I won I gave to the Caja Rural. I was left with only about 12,000 euros. I swear on my family that if I had money now I would pay everything I owe”.

Loco empedernido – antonio garcia “sentimiento y

In the interview he describes his current life as “chaotic and precarious”, as he is awaiting eviction from his apartment, his insertion benefit from the Canary Islands Government is running out, he owes water and community fees and has turned to the municipal social services to feed himself.
Now he owes a lot of money: “The day I was a finalist in Gran Hermano, the money I won I gave to the Caja Rural. I was left with only about 12,000 euros. I swear on my family that if I had money now I would pay everything I owe”.

Brito arceo explains the offside

In the interview he describes his current life as “chaotic and precarious”, as he is awaiting eviction from his apartment, his insertion benefit from the Canary Islands Government is running out, he owes water and community fees and has gone to the municipal social services to feed himself.
Now he owes a lot of money: “The day I was a finalist in Gran Hermano, the money I won I gave to the Caja Rural. I was left with only about 12,000 euros. I swear by my family that if I had money now I would pay everything I owe”, said Brito Arceo, who became famous for an ‘imaginary’ penalty to Polster in the Camp Nou….

Manuela Toribio

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