
How to change the address in the social security online

The State Administration, through the Imserso, within its policy of Active Aging, promotes a Social Program of vacations destined to elderly people, with the objectives of facilitating the incorporation of this group to the tourist currents, at the same time that palliate the consequences that in the matter of employment produces the phenomenon of the seasonality in the tourist sector of the country.
The General Administration of the State, through the Imserso, within its policy of Active Aging, promotes a Program of Tourism that has as basic objectives to facilitate the incorporation of these people to the tourist currents and to palliate the consequences that in the matter of employment the phenomenon of the seasonality produces in the tourist sector of the country.

The ingenio senior citizen center facilitates the registration to the

If you are a pensioner, you can enjoy your vacations, requesting a place in the programs subsidized by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Inmerso). In its electronic headquarters, you will find the vacation program where you can fill in the application form. You must make sure that you receive an electronic proof that you have sent the application form correctly. If you need more information you can access the Imserso portal, or call the general information telephone number of the Institute: 901 10 98 99.

Videotutorial: submitting an application at the electronic headquarters

By Internet, through the Imserso’s electronic headquarters, filling in the application form and following the instructions. By downloading and completing the official application form; in this case the application, once completed and signed, must be sent to: Apartado de correos 10140 (28080 Madrid).
In the first instance you must decide to formalize the application through the Internet, accessing its electronic headquarters or by downloading and completing the official application form, which must be sent to P.O. Box 10140 (28080 Madrid) or to Imserso Central Services.

How to register in the identification key system

– Disability qualification or certificate issued by the competent body of the Autonomous Community or by the Territorial Directorate of Ceuta or Mellilla of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services.
– Medical, social and psychological report issued by the competent body of the Autonomous Community or by the Territorial Directorate of Ceuta or Mellilla of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services.
Norma: ORDER 25532 Order of November 13, 1984 regulating the nature, objectives and scope of action of the Social Security Assistance Centers for the Physically Handicapped and establishing certain centers as such.
Standard: ORDER 22251 Order of September 30, 1994 amending certain rules of the Basic Statute of Resident Centers for the Disabled of the National Institute of Social Services, approved by Order of June 4, 1992.
Rule: RESOLUTION 22292 Resolution of August 26, 1987, of the General Directorate of the National Institute of Social Services (INSERSO), regulating admissions, transfers and exchanges in Residential Centers for the Elderly.

Manuela Toribio

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